Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Out on the Town

Tonight, "the girls" got together to celebrate Jamie's big 3-0 at the Oyster Bar in Dahlonega! In addition to the very special birthday, we celebrated the birth of two babies and new jobs for me and Maggie. You see...we all worked together at the high school, but I moved to elementary school and Maggie is making the big bucks training Estee Lauder employees all over the state. Scary that after one year of teaching, she has already made a career change. Seriously though, I am very very happy for everyone and the new chapters they have started in their lives. It was a lot of fun getting together and talking ( and a lot of laughing) about old times. I really wanted a picture of everyone and I was so excited that my hair had actually grown out enough to get in a itty-bitty ponytail. However, it did not make a very flattering picture...blah!

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